We all know of a film or two that have such shocking plot twists that we were left flabbergasted the first time we watched it. Similarly, we probably all know of a film that had its magnificent narrative turn spoiled to us by a well-meaning friend. The old ‘it was all a dream’ is a bit clichéd now, so here are the best plot twists in some of our favourite thrillers and paranormal movies. That being said, if you are wanting to avoid spoilers, don’t read any further than this!

The Sixth Sense (1999)
Probably the most famous plot twist in cinema – we’d be surprised if you didn’t already know it. The Sixth Sense is also well-known for the line “I see dead people”, which has been parodied in many other movies and TV shows, from The Simpsons to Grey’s Anatomy. The plot twist, of course, is that Bruce Willis’s character, Malcolm Crowe, has been dead all along. M Night Shyamalan is known for his shocking plot twists, and The Sixth Sense is certainly no exception.

Psycho (1960)
One of Alfred Hitchcock’s most famous films, Psycho has cemented itself as one of the best horrors in cinematic history, and one of these reasons is its unimaginable plot twist. Marion Crane steals money from her office and flees to Bates Motel, where she finds Norman Bates and his toxic, controlling mother. Based on the real-life serial killer, Ed Gein, the plot twist reveals that there is no Mrs Bates, as she was murdered by her son. Norman, unable to cope without the presence of his mother, begins wearing her clothes and acting like her.

The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
In the second instalment of the original Star Wars series, The Empire Strikes Back gave birth to one of the most famous film quotes of all time (though it is mostly always misquoted). Darth Vader reveals to Luke Skywalker the truth about his parentage by saying “No, I am your father,” shocking generations who tuned into this intergalactic adventure.

Fight Club (1999)
Of course, we’re breaking the first rule of fight club by even talking about this narrative progression, but this David Fincher cult classic has one of the most unexpected plot twists. Edward Norton plays the narrator, a sleep-deprived office worker. In an attempt to cure his insomnia, he meets Tyler Durden, played by Brad Pitt, and they start up ‘fight club’ to let out their frustrations towards society. It is only until the narrator becomes unhappy with fight club, and he discovers that he and Tyler Durden are the same person.

Shutter Island (2010)
This atmospheric, Martin Scorsese thriller is mind-boggling throughout the entire film. Leonardo DiCaprio plays Teddy Daniels, a US Marshal who is investigating the reports of a missing woman from a mental institution on an isolated island, along with his partner, played by Mark Ruffalo. The two baffled detectives find the missing patient days later, in her room, with no explanation, leading them to discover another missing patient – patient 67, whose existence the institution is denying. As Teddy’s past bubbles to the surface, he must face the realisation that he is patient 67, and the institution staged this investigation in order to force him to confront his past trauma.

Us (2019)
This Jordan Peele flick had us all in fear of having an evil doppelgänger that might ruin our lives. Adelaide meets her doppelgänger in a hall of mirrors as a child, and the memory has haunted her into adulthood. Years later, on vacation with her husband and two children, Adelaide encounters her double again, this time with four others – the doppelgängers of her family. These clones proceed to try and kill their human counterparts, and the ending shows the family appearing to escape. However, the shocking plot twist reveals that the doppelgänger chocked Adelaide in the hall of mirrors and replaced her and has been pretending to be her this entire time.